Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)

Patients with this condition experience repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction of the throat or “upper airway” during sleep and this results in a fall in blood oxygen levels. The diagnosis is usually confirmed by a sleep doctor (respiratory physician) after a formal sleep study. There is evidence to support that untreated moderate to severe OSA contributes to high blood pressure and may increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke.
A number of treatment options exist for the management of OSA. These include medical managements such as weight loss and reduction in alcohol consumption in the evening, as well as the use of oral appliances and CPAP machines.
In certain instances, surgery may need to be considered. This may be the case for patients in whom the above medical managements have failed or are not tolerated. Different surgical procedures are performed to manage OSA. In many patients, there is anatomical narrowing of the airway due to the shape and position of the upper and/or lower jaws. There is strong evidence to support that repositioning the jaws in this group of patients can significantly improve or cure the condition.
One of our OralMax surgeons will consult with you regarding your OSA and liaise with your respiratory physician and other clinicians involved in your care to plan your procedure. The operations are performed in hospital under general anaesthesia and the hospital stay is 1 to 3 days, depending on the type and extent of the procedure in your particular case.
Contact OralMax Surgeons To make an appointment or to discuss our procedures
Call: 1300 323 324