Genioplasty (chin augmentation)

A genioplasty is performed to reposition and re-contour the chin and jaw. It can also shorten or lengthen the height of the chin or correct an asymmetry. It is usually carried out in conjunction with orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery carried out to correct bites). However, in some patients, it may be performed in isolation. An alternative option is the insertion of a chin implant.
During your consultation, one of our OralMax surgeons will discuss with you your suitability for the procedure.
The procedure is usually performed in hospital under general anaesthesia, with most patients being discharged the same day or the following day. A chin dressing is applied to minimise swelling and may be removed 48 hours after the surgery at home. The average recovery time for most patients is about one week.
Contact OralMax Surgeons To make an appointment or to discuss our procedures
Call: 1300 323 324